Why I’m chuffed our daughters are still part of church – and why we haven’t invited you to come.

If you ask B why she goes to church, up until pretty recently morning tea will have figured high on the list. Memorable moment – our three year old clinking communion glasses with her father and declaring loudly: “Cheers.” J would probably tell you she goes because her two best friends from Primary School are there, along … More Why I’m chuffed our daughters are still part of church – and why we haven’t invited you to come.

How to be completely content in three easy steps

I was chatting with a friend the other day about being content. “I’m reading this book and it says something about it…” she told me. “Here we go… ‘God wants you to be content….’ That’s helpful isn’t it?” We both started laughing. I’m sure the book said other stuff too, but it struck me as … More How to be completely content in three easy steps

How God answered my prayers for a hot husband, a fulfilling job and outstanding financial security… and how he’ll answer yours as well

The other day I disappeared down a rabbit hole into a biblical cyber-wonderland where I stumbled upon an intriguing website.  It promised to harness the power of thousands of global prayer warriors, all bending their earnest heads over prayer requests submitted online with the click of a button. “The internet has allowed us to create … More How God answered my prayers for a hot husband, a fulfilling job and outstanding financial security… and how he’ll answer yours as well

Ending religion along with poverty? Bring it on.

So religion will be extinct by 2035 and it’ll mostly be the fault of do-gooder organisations like the ones I work for who are trying to end poverty.  Bloody charities!  (Christian ones, I might add…) Why couldn’t they just leave well enough alone?   This is the view of a new paper published by Psychology Today which … More Ending religion along with poverty? Bring it on.